Privacy Notice & Cookie Policy

Privacy notice

This site provides information about Vivar and our products and services. It serves as a front door to many of our products and services and allows you to connect with us in a variety of ways.
When you visit other pages on this site, please click on the Privacy link at the bottom of those pages for more information about how we handle personal information collected through this site in your country. If you go on to register for or purchase a Vivar product or service you will be directed to the privacy notice which applies to that product or service.
The only personal data that may be processed in connection with your use of this page on this site relates to the cookies that this site will seek to place on your device with your consent, details of which are set out below.

Cookie notice

We use cookies because we want to make our websites and mobile applications user-friendly, and we are interested in anonymous user behavior. Our cookies don’t store sensitive or personally identifiable information.
These cookies fall into 4 categories:
1. Strictly Necessary Cookies
2. Performance Cookies
3. Functionality Cookies
4. Behaviourally targeted advertising cookies
If you do consent to the use of some or all of these cookies you can change your mind at any time and may amend your preferences using the instructions below or via any tool that may be made available on the site for that purpose.
Please note that if you decide to disable cookies that are needed in order for the site to function it may affect your ability to access the site.

List of cookies

Strictly necessary cookies

Session Based: To collect information on use of the site for analysis and to improve its operation or identify and respond to problems.

Performance cookies

Optimize: Multivarient testing tool. Used to optimise customer experience.
hotjar: Records heatmaps of users interaction with site. Used to analyse who well our sites are performing and optimise customer experience.

Functionality cookies

Maritz: Used to deploy customer satisfaction surveys.

Behaviourally targeted advertising cookies

Pardot: Marketing platform used for customer anc campaign tracking. Used to identify customers interests and response to targeted campaigns. Enabled only to collect information for Vivar’s use.
Salesforce: Sales support tool. Used to track and measure customers usage of support tools. Enabled only to collect information for Vivar’s use.
Vivar Education: Sales support tool. Used to track and measure customers ecommerce usages.

Disabling or blocking cookies

You can prevent the setting of cookies by adjusting the settings on your browser (see the list below). Be aware that disabling cookies will reduce the functionality of this and other websites that you visit so that some features may not work.
How to check cookies are enabled on your PC:
Google Chrome
Click on the spanner icon (top menu in browser) and select ‘Settings’
Click the ‘Under the Bonnet’ tab on the left, then select the ‘Content settings’ button
Under the cookies section, choose the option that best suits your needs.
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Click on ‘Tools’ (top menu in browser) and select ‘Internet options’
Click on the ‘Privacy’ tab
Move the privacy slider to the level of privacy you require. Settings above Medium will disable cookies.
Mozilla Firefox
Click on ‘Tools’ (top menu in browser) and select ‘Options’
Select the Privacy icon
In the history section choose ‘Use custom settings for history’ from the dropdown menu
Cookies can be enabled or disabled by clicking on the appropriate check boxes.
Click on the Cog icon (top menu in browser) and select ‘Preferences’
Click on Privacy tab and choose the option that best suits your needs.
Click on the ‘Tools’ at the top of your browser window and select ‘Preferences’
Select the ‘Advanced’ tab and choose Cookies from the list on the left
Choose the option that best suits your needs.
Safari on OSX
Click on ‘Safari’ at the top of your browser window and select ‘Preferences’
Click on the ‘Privacy’ tab
Adjust the level of cookie acceptance here.
Click on ‘Firefox’ at the top of your browser window and select ‘Preferences’
Select the Privacy icon
In the history section choose ‘Use custom settings for history’ from the dropdown menu
Cookies can be enabled or disabled by clicking on the appropriate check boxes. respects the privacy of our visitors and members and we do not collect personally identifiable information about you, except when you specifically and knowingly provide it to us. This Personal Data Protection Notice is issued to all our valued merchants/prospects and agents, in pursuant to the requirements of the Personal Data Protection Act 2010. Vivar collects personal information to set up, manage merchant accounts and to handle orders of goods and services from Vivar’s merchants.

(1) All personal information submitted and gathered in will not be sold, rented or made available to any third party or other organization at any time, under any circumstance without your permission.
(2) The information we collected about your company and business will only be used for the purpose of promoting your product or company within to our visitors. On the other hand, the personal information we collect about yourself will be used for verifying you as the authorized personnel for your company to register with

You may need to provide Vivar with personal information such as:

1. Company name, person in charge name, phone numbers, mailing, billing, shipping and email addresses

2. Bank account information, date of birth, identification documents

(3) Source of personal information

Vivar collects your personal information directly from you or indirectly from your legal representatives, agents and/or employer when you, your legal representatives, agents and/or employers send us completed enquiry, application and/or registration forms via various means, including online and physical hardcopies at public venues, trade fairs or in any of our premises. Your personal information may also be collected from cookies through the use of our website.

(4) Vivar uses such information for:

(i) domain registration, account setup, enabling sales and other transactions, handling orders, providing receipts

(ii) providing customer service, providing dispute resolution, or related issues

(iii) marketing and surveys, sending service update notices

(iv) preventing violations of our legal agreements

(v) measuring, improving, and customizing our services

(vi) fulfilling other technical, logistical, financial, tax, legal, compliance, administrative, or back office functions

In the course of your dealings with us, as our valued merchants/prospects and agents, we will request that you provide data and information about your business and yourself (Personal Data) to enable us to enter into transaction with you or to deliver the necessary notices, services and/or products via various channels (e.g. emails, phone calls etc.).

(5) Right to access and correct personal information

You have the right to access and correct your personal information held by us (subject always to certain exemptions). We will make every endeavour to ensure your personal information is accurate and up to date therefore we ask that if there are changes to your information you should notify us directly. If you would like to access or correct your personal information, please query to the contact details in Item 7 below.

(6)Disclosure of personal information

6.1 Entities within Vivar

Your personal information provided to us is processed by entities (in or outside of Malaysia) within Vivar (including related companies, subsidiaries, holding companies, associated companies and outsourcing partners). Vivar will ensure that:

(i) access to your personal information is restricted to staff who are contractually required to process your personal information in accordance with their respective job requirements; and

(ii) only necessary information is released to the relevant employees.

6.2 Classes of third parties

Your personal information may be disclosed to relevant third parties (in or outside of Malaysia) as required under law, pursuant to relevant contractual relationship (for example, where we appoint third party service providers) or for the purposes stated in Section 2 above (or directly related to those purposes).

In the event of a potential, proposed or actual sale of business, disposal, acquisition, merger or re-organisation (“Transaction”), your personal information may be required to be disclosed or transferred to a third party as a result of the Transaction. You hereby acknowledge that such disclosure and transfer may occur and permit Vivar to release your personal information to the other party and its advisers/representatives.

(i) Customer or potential customer:

Your personal information may be disclosed to the following classes of third parties:

Third parties appointed by us to provide services to us or on our behalf (such as auditors, lawyers, company secretary, consultants, contractors, professional advisors, service providers, printing companies, contractors, conference/training/event organiser, other advisers, travel agencies and insurance companies);

Our business partners or affiliates who may jointly provide the service requested for (such as third party hotels or resorts or shopping mall tenants);

Utility companies;

Property management companies for management of property purchased;

Foreign embassies (including agencies appointed by foreign embassies to carry out their services) if Vivar assists you in your visa application as part of your requested travel services;

Law enforcement agencies, including the local police; and
Relevant governmental authorities statutory authorities, local council and industry regulators.

(ii) Vendor, supplier, tenant or service provider:

Your personal information may be disclosed to the following classes of third parties:

Third parties appointed by us to provide services to us or on our behalf (such as auditors, lawyers, company secretary, printing companies, contractors, conference/training/event organiser, other advisers, travel agencies and insurance companies);

Law enforcement agencies, including the local police; and

Relevant governmental authorities, statutory authorities, local council and industry regulators.

(7)Limiting the processing of personal information, further enquiries and complaints If:

(i) you would like to obtain further information on how to limit the processing of your personal information;

(ii) you have any further query; or

(iii) you would like to make a complaint in respect of your personal information,

(8) Whether obligatory to provide personal data and consequences of not providing

Where indicated (e.g. on our website, registration/application forms), it is obligatory to provide your personal data to us to enable us to process your application for our services. Should you decline to provide such obligatory personal data, we may not be able to process your application or provide you with our services.

(9) Conflict

In the event of any conflict between this English language Personal Data Protection Notice and its corresponding Bahasa Malaysia Personal Data Protection Notice, the terms in this English language Notice shall prevail.

Privacy Notice

The Personal Data Protection Act 2010 of Malaysia (“ PDPA ”) provides that the data user (i.e. DNSB which processes any personal data or has control over or authorizes the processing of any personal data) shall by a written notice inform a data subject (i.e. the individual who is the subject of the personal data) of the following:

(1) personal data of the data subject is being processed by or on behalf of the data user;

(2) a description of the personal data being processed;

(3) the source of the personal data that is being processed by the data user;

(4) the purposes for which the personal data is being or is to be collected and further processed;

(5) the channel(s) available for the data subject to request access, correction or make inquiries pertaining to their personal data

(6) the class of third parties to whom the personal data may be disclosed to;

(7) the choices and means for limiting the processing of the personal data;

(8) whether it is obligatory of voluntary to supply the personal data; and

(9) where it is obligatory for the data subject to supply the personal data, the consequences for the data subject if he fails to supply the personal data.